TERMS OF USE School of Inspirational Leadership Platform [refer definition 1(a)] is owned by M/s. School of Inspirational Leadership Private Limited (hereinafter referred as ‘Owner).
The Owner is engaged in the business of providing Personal, Professional and Business development advice, training, consultancy, through sell of online videos-podcasts-books and tools, business development courses by means of offline and online lectures and programs, personal advisory and consultation, online information, online selling of professional development videos-podcasts-books and tools, Promotion of business and allied services.
The purpose of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform is to facilitate a visitor as well as a Registered user [Refer definition c and d respectively] to visit or login into the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform where the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform allows the visitor/registered user to use and pay for the products, courses, videos, podcasts, books etc. for all business development, training and consultancy related services like Personal and Professional Learning, business operation excellence, personal advisory and consultation, course for business and employee development, courses for personal and professional development, online information, online selling of professional development videos-podcasts-books and tools, Promotion of business and allied services via mobile and digital payment gateways.
The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform helps the Visitor [refer definition 1(c)] to visit and access the information available on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform about the owner and owner’s free courses, owner’s business development journey, development solutions, resources and owner’s contact details. The Visitor either by registering becomes Registered User [refer definition 1(d)].
By accessing the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform, the Visitor or Registered User agrees to abide by and bound by the Terms and Conditions of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. The Terms and Conditions contained herein along with the Privacy Policy form an Agreement regulating our relationship with regard to the use of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform by the Visitor or Registered User. Please read this Agreement carefully. By signing in or logging on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform the Visitors/Registered
User accepts the terms and conditions and by default follows the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. The Visitor or Registered User is advised to regularly check for any amendments or updates to the terms and conditions from time to time.
The Owner reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement ("Terms of Use") and Disclaimer without any prior notification. The Visitor or Registered User is advised to regularly review the Terms of Use. If the Visitor or Registered User does not agree with any of the Terms and Conditions and any amendments thereto, the Visitor or Registered User must not use the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and/or Services provided by the Owner.
These Terms and Conditions constitute a binding legal agreement between the Owner and Visitor/Registered User/s and govern legal rights, remedies, obligations and various other terms like limitations, jurisdiction, applicable law etc.
The Agreement between the Visitor or Registered User and School of Inspirational Leadership Platform shall be subject to following Terms and Conditions: -
The terms wherever used shall unless contrary, carry the meaning as given under:
“School of Inspirational Leadership Platform” means School of Inspirational Leadership website https://www.sileadership.in/ and School of Inspirational Leadership Mobile App owned by Owner on Internet and respective stores.
“Agreement” means the Terms and Conditions contained herein along with any Privacy Policy of any other School of Inspirational Leadership Platform whose links are provided on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. It shall also include reference to this Agreement as and when amended, novated, supplemented varied or replaced.
“Visitor” means and includes any person who visits the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform to see the various Services available which are displayed and who is not created his profile on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform.
“Registered User” means and includes any person or entity who is registered on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform through a valid email address (where he/she/they gets account verification email). Thereafter, a Visitor becomes a Registered User.
The Registered User who wants to avail various free and paid courses, videos, podcasts, books have to register by giving all the details including but not limited to first name, last name, email, mobile number.
After registering the person/entity, the registered user selects any free and paid courses, videos, podcasts, books with different price and options. For making payment, the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform uses secured webpage and appropriate payment gateways.
The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform can be accessed by going on https://www.sileadership.in/ and/or can be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple Play Store as required. The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform can be used/accessed only by persons/entities who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The Visitor may use the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and shall have access and view to the information.
The Registered User agrees that the Information provided by him/her/them at the time of registration is true, complete and correct. If the Information details are found not to be true (wholly or partly), the Owner has the right in its sole discretion to reject the registration and debar the Registered User from using the Services of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and/or other affiliated Software Application/s without prior intimation whatsoever.
The owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate, refuse, restrict or suspend any Registered User’s account at any time, for any reason, without notice, including when a Registered User fails to abide by these Terms and Conditions, or any other policy or terms posted anywhere on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform.The Owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate, refuse, restrict or suspend any Registered User’s account at any time if any Registered User -
uploads pornographic contents/ comments/photos/videos/audios/files/links/slideshow/gif on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform.
uploads any detrimental or offensive contents comments/photos/videos/audios/files/links/slideshow/gif or offensive comments/photos/videos/audios/files/links/slideshow/gif pertaining to religion on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform.
Any content that promotes or incites violence, terrorism, illegal acts, or hatred on the grounds of race, ethnicity, cultural identity, religious belief, disability, gender, identity or sexual orientation, or is otherwise objectionable.
The Registered User or may be prohibited from creating a new account if he/she/they has/have been previously terminated as per the above-mentioned circumstances or for any other reason whatsoever objectionable by the Owner. If any Registered User misuses the details of any other Registered User, then the Owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate that Registered User account and the owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to initiate appropriate legal action against the Registered User(s).
The facilities for visitor are as follows-
i. Browse the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform;
ii. View the activity done by Owner of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform;
iii. View free and paid courses, videos, podcasts, books;
iv.Understand about the owner and contact options;
v. Contact the Owner.
The facilities for registered users are as follows-
i. Browse the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform;
ii.View the activity done by Owner of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform;
iii. Manage his/her/their own profile
iv. View free and paid courses, videos, podcasts, books;
v. Avail online and offline services;
vi. Understand about the owner and contact options;
vii. Contact the Owner.
The Visitor or Registered User agrees not to display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update, share or otherwise make available on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform, any content and/or material that is unlawful, unsolicited including unsolicited messages, e-mails, and/or material which contains viruses, trojans, worms, files or software intended to interrupt, corrupt, destroy, limit the use, access or functionality of the software application. The Visitor or Registered User also agrees not to display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update, share or otherwise make available on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform, any content and/or material that is harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, abusive, invasive of another person’s privacy, hateful or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging or relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling etc. The Visitor or Registered User agrees not to display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update, share or otherwise make available any content and/or material which is in violation of patents, trademarks, copyrights or any other proprietary rights of other person/people. The Visitor or Registered User can only access the content available on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform only for his/her/their purpose and shall not copy/modify/broadcast/share the content on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform for anybody else.
A Visitor or Registered User agrees to receive messages from School of Inspirational Leadership Platform by way of notifications with respect to Account verification, reminders, order details, service details etc.
The Visitor or Registered Users accept and agree that he/she/they are entirely responsible for compliance of all the laws, rules or regulations etc. that applies to Visitor or Registered User’s use and/or access of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform or Services provide therein.
These terms shall be governed, interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India applicable from time to time. The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and the Visitor or Registered User agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts located in Pune, Maharashtra, India for any claims, actions, demands, suits, disputes arising out of and/or in connection with Services provided by the Owner.
To the fullest extent permissible by law, in no event shall the Owner or its employees, group companies or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential damages or damages of any other kind incurred by the Visitor or Registered User or any third party arising out of the Visitor’s or Registered User’s access or use or inability to access or use the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and/or its Services. The Information and Services displayed through the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform may include inaccuracies. Additionally, a possibility exists that unauthorized additions, deletions and alterations could be made by third parties to the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. The Owner shall not be held liable and/or responsible for any fake identity, fake calls, frauds caused through people through the help of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. In any event, the Owner shall not be held liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform. The Visitor or Registered User expressly agrees that the Owner shall not be responsible for the information posted and/or shared by the Visitor or Registered User. The Visitor or Registered User expressly agrees that Owner shall not be responsible and/or liable for any threatening, defamatory, obscene, unlawful, harmful, offensive or illegal content or conduct of any other party or any infringement of another’s rights, including intellectual property rights. The Visitor or Registered User specifically agrees that the Owner shall not be held responsible and/or liable for any content/data sent using and/or included on/ the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform or Service by any third party/parties. NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein, in any event, the liability of the, financial or otherwise, suffered to the Owner of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform shall be limited to the amount paid by the Registered User and shall not exceed the sale value.
Every effort is made to keep the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform up and running smoothly. However, the Owner takes no responsibility for, and shall not be held liable for the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.
The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform is provided by the Owner, on “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without express or implied warranty or condition of any kind. The Visitor or Registered User shall use the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform at his/her/their own risk. The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability. The details and/or information provided by the Owner make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform is provided by the Owner, on “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without express or implied warranty or condition of any kind. The Visitor or Registered User shall use the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform at his/her/their own risk. The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability. The details and/or information provided by the Owner make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness,
The Visitor or Registered User agrees that the Owner shall not held responsible or held liable for any transaction between the Registered User and third-party providers (including payment gateways etc.) of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform or Services provided therein. No advice or information whether oral or in writing received from the Registered User of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform shall create any warranty on behalf of the Owner in this regard. If in case the payment is failed and the money is debited from the Registered User’s account, then the Owner of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform shall not be held responsible. The Registered User agrees to always indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner from any suits, claims, losses, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, demands, expenses including, but not limited to, reasonable legal expenses and accounting fees arising out of and/or in connection with any violation and/or act and/or omission committed and/or alleged to be committed by the Registered User.
The courses- videos-podcasts-books and tools purchased and any paid services availed by the Registered Users are non-refundable and non-transferable.
The Visitor and Registered User acknowledges and accepts that unless otherwise expressly stated, all the content on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform including, but not limited to, images, graphics, photos, sounds, Case studies, Research, music, videos, software, script, trade names, trademarks, logos, labels, designs, service marks and/or any other proprietary marks are either owned by the Owner or licensed thereto. No information, content or portion uploaded on the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform shall be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purposes not expressly permitted by Owner. It is the policy of the School of Inspirational Leadership Platform and/or Owner to terminate in its sole discretion, accounts of Registered User or in appropriate circumstances found repeatedly infringing the rights of Owner including but not limited to rights relating to copyright, trademark or other Intellectual Property Rights. The School of Inspirational Leadership Platform, its Services and all the content is protected by copyright, trademark and other relevant laws of India. In case of any violation visitor or user or registered user is liable to appropriate legal actions.
Any Visitor can view the ‘Contact Us’ tab which provides the address office of the Company, email address and phone number. Any visitor who wants to have any business enquire with the Owner shall provide information such as full name, mobile number, e-mail ID and has the option to leave a message. After filing the Business Enquiry Form the authorized team of the owner will get in touch with the Visitor.

SIL specializes in consulting, coaching, training,
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